It’s freeing to let God speak: Victoria’s story
Hello friend,
Today we’re sharing Victoria’s story. Victoria has been working with me, Dr. Esther, in one-on-one spiritual direction for over a year. My personal favorite line from this testimonial is, and I quote, “Dr. Esther is AWESOME!!!”
I think we can just end the story there, right? 😉
At the end of almost every spiritual direction session she says something like, “I’m just so glad I found spiritual direction. How does anyone do this WITHOUT spiritual direction?”
Seriously, I promise this story isn’t just a humble brag. 😉
But in all seriousness… when you really dig into what Victoria has to say about spiritual direction, you understand the fundamental truth that spiritual direction isn’t about listening to the spiritual director. It’s about listening to God. It can be easy to confuse the two, because the spiritual director facilitates listening to God.
But the subtle difference is always there in what she says:
“It’s freeing to let God speak. It’s freeing to let someone guide you towards what God might be saying or inviting.”
“finding someone who can lead me in hearing God myself and not just someone telling me what to do (even though a huge part of me thinks that’s easier) but actually inviting God into the question of “what should I do”"
“this has brought me so much clarity on what God has been screaming to me for like my whole life in some instances.”
“every single session was a “wow” moment. I learned so much about how I was made and how much God wants for me.”
When Victoria and I started working together, she had never heard of spiritual direction. Now, a year in, it has become an integral part of her walk of faith.
So if you’re feeling curious or drawn to spiritual direction, but also feeling apprehensive about starting something new, I’ll leave you with Victoria’s words: “BROOOOO there is nothing to be apprehensive about. Spiritual direction can only help you. It’s not therapy and it’s not designed to be, but… this is the purest form of mentorship for me.”
With gratitude,
Esther + Beth