Holding Space
What we all need is someone to hold space for us.
Hearing the gentle voice of God: Becky’s story
The Beloved Cohort gave Becky the time, space, and tools to begin to unravel the voice of God from those old narratives of shame and unworthiness. It gave her space to hear God say, ‘You are my Beloved. With you I am well pleased.’
It’s freeing to let God speak: Victoria’s story
“I’m just so glad I found spiritual direction. How does anyone do this WITHOUT spiritual direction?”
Space for God is everywhere: Justin’s story
"When you learn to listen, your relationships deepen, your faith strengthens, and space for God is everywhere.”
Need a moment to breathe?
Now imagine intentional space for you and your team to breathe. To connect. To learn. Doesn’t that sound like something you need?
How can we hold space for you?
We believe so deeply in what we are doing because we have seen the ways it has changed lives.
What does it take to hold space?
Contrary to popular belief, holding space isn’t doing nothing.